Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm not just Virtually Insane....

I am a firm believer in being myself. If I got all caught up in trying to be who you or you or you wanted me to be I couldn't be around all three of you at the same time (considering I had to be a different persona to each of you). And not that we don't possess multi layered personalities, with some layers showing more than others at times, we still should always be our true selves. (Remember my #1 Glass Heart Rule?)

Well, there ya go.

Recently, I decided I would try my luck at eHarmony. I mean it matches you on compatibility - how many different levels does the commercial say? Billions and Billions?  I don't actually know if its that many but - just having a basis with someone that is like-minded might be nice for a change - so I entered my 16 digit credit card number, zip code and CVV and off I was into the world of "virtual dating". Sending "ice breakers" and meandering through the uncharted waters of "Guided Communication". "This is way we say hello, say hello, say hello..."

It was kind of exciting - looking at the profiles - imagining me with this guy in his favorite city of Bangladesh or that guy riding along on his plane, both of us giving that radical "thumbs up" pose with our aviator glasses hiding our fear and apprehension, or no, maybe THAT one - fighting the bull......wait a minute.... is that the NYSE Bull? photoshopped into a random street in Pamplona?? Give me a break, isn't there just a regular, run-of-the-mill man who still likes to posses the remote control, fart after a good bowl of chili and not take out the trash the first time you ask him? I mean that is what I'm used to. Maybe I'm the only woman left in the world dating the Neanderthals of the species. And science thinks they're extinct! I mean these men are accomplished men - They ran marathons, climbed the Alps, had a summer home and boat up east, took martial arts, and were VPs of this and CEOs of that. What kind of a woman handles those kind of men? They get pedicures and their teeth whitened, their hair product is more expensive than mine. Remember Glass Heart #5? Hairy Chest - I began doubting ANY of these men would possess that. Surely they waxed.

So after reading a plethora of perfect profiles one stood out among all other men.

His name was Terry. (His name has NOT been changed, because he's NOT innocent, but we'll get to that later). He was passionate about Drag Racing (ok so its a distance cousin to NASCAR and I wasn't SO excited about that), his profile picture was adorable though. He was wearing a jean jacket (number one sign he isn't a CEO to anything)and he was holding a beautiful little girl in his arms and he looked like he was singing some Christmas Carol to her. He wanted Honesty in a relationship. Wow, Maybe this was going to be O.K. after all. But the clencher came when I read his activities.
He listed them as such;
watching movies
hanging out with friends

watching, napping, hanging - they are verbs - all ending in "ing". Those are things I enjoy doing in my everyday life as well. A walk a few times a week is really nice or a bike ride on a Sunday afternoon on the Loveland Bike Trail is doable - even on a trip to Colorado in the winter, I will strap on my skis, but for the every-day-kind-of-Jane that I am, those three activities Terry enjoyed suited me just fine. and if he so happened to have a hairy chest, it was ON! I just needed to figure out how I was going to ask that in a question. SO I sent him an ice breaker. I'm a liberated woman - I am comfortable enough in my own shoes to take on rejection. I mean it's only a "No" and there are lots of fish in the sea. Including me - cause I feel for everything he said "hook. line. and SINKER"

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